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    The E-Book Publishing Revolution

    I went to print something on my laser printer the other day. As I did so, I realized it had been at least a month since I'd printed anything. It may actually have been a couple of months. Why is this is shocking?  Ten years ago, I went though a 10-ream CASE of laser paper every two weeks.

    I like to think I'm on top of trends and I might do better than most. Even so, when forecasts eventually become reality, it can be shocking. They sneak up on you. I felt embarrassed that despite having been aware of the paperless trend for several years, it ultimately ambushed me.

    Now, in what is a bell-weather event, Nicholas Callaway, publisher of some of the world's most beautiful and artistic coffee table and children's books is burning his ships. He's abandoning print and moving completely to electronic publishing. "I have bet the whole ranch on this," Callaway told Reuters. "This kind of juncture happens maybe once in a century."

    An insightful article covering Callaway's defection and the new opportunities that e-books promise appears here. Or here.

    The Internet is full of informative stuff. This, however is a must read. As Ann Marie Conception tweeted, "This is BEST article on the state of the industry I’ve read all year"

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    Reader Comments (1)

    Wonderful article ,I really appreciated from it,I was searching this information in past,So I really thankful to you for providing me a nice information,Thanks again.
    Perfect Radiance

    January 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJulie

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